" the war against subjectivism"
" the war against subjectivism"
How few words does it take to explain, why social problems exist? In this 1200-word summary the origins and explanations for mankind’s social problems are explained.
For 6000 years liberalism has championed freedom. Our freedom to eat an apple cannot come at the expense of the grower of apples. It is that simple.
The Age Of Apologetics is an era in which the Truths of God are tested and found sufficient and experiments are established to prove the Power of Truth.
There is no logical reason for causing people to be idle. The truth is, God does not want anyone to work without reward nor live without working.
It is not enough to call for a reduction in the size and scope and power of government. Governments and regulatory environments are not the solution to human problems, even when reduced in size. Only those who live in the truth have the power of truth. Only the truth will enable us to eliminate the regulatory state and restore power to the right.
Five Lies created The Age Of Liberalism. Lies are a product of parasites. These lies enabled parasites to expropriate resources from the market to make possible their social agenda. The power of the parasitic state gives it the authority to transform markets into bureaucracies. Only by eliminating these lies can we reclaim our rights.
Does the question need to be asked? Taxation exists solely to pay the costs of the state. Taxation is not a solution to anything but the need of the state to fund its social agenda. Governments do not respect our right to the value we create. The state cannot exist unless it rejects the inalienable rights of the creator to what he or she creates. What science gave rise to the state in its present form?
Would you like to start a business? Discover what complementary skills are and why starting a business ought to be a simple process. Starting a business can be simplified. Starting a business is made difficult by parasites. The scientific method applied to starting a business turns starting a business into something anyone can do.
Debt is a result of parasitism. Debt is possible only when value is expropriated for non-productive uses. Economists, capitalists, politicians, socialists and the man-in-the-street claim it is impossible to eliminate debt. This is true only if parasites exist, meaning inalienable property rights have been set aside. Socialist governments cannot pay their costs and so require access to markets. Debt can and will be liquidated when parasites are eliminated and policy validated analytically.
God did not ask us to be homeless nor to create homelessness. Ending homelessness is not just the Christian thing to do, it is integral to proving the Word of God has power. The Apriorian Experiment can eliminate homelessness, debt, inflation, poverty, taxation and hunger. Read more about how The Apriorian Experiment ends homelessness and poverty and all other social costs for the Test Group.
The Three Pillars of Civilization are The Golden Rule, The Labor Theory of Value, and The Doctrine of Subsidiarity. Exchanges are formed by citizens exercising their rights as owners of the equity they create. We own the value added to the land upon which we reside. Learn more about how to put citizens back in charge of their political jurisdictions.
Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy based on the proposition that usefulness is defined by the happiness we create. But it is not. Usefulness is defined by the value added and the equity we create.
Unemployment, homelessness, debt, pollution etc. are social costs created by the five lies of liberalism. A civil society does not create social costs.
Economics is about infinite needs chasing scarce goods. When the economy is built on the three pillars of civility, prosperity follows naturally.
Faith and flesh represent two ontologies or theories of reality. Flesh is phenomenological and observed by means of the five perceptions of the body. What exists is seen, felt, heard, smelled or tasted. Dependency on the flesh leaves us dependent on the bodies ability to discern reality. The church is people who live by faith. Spiritual reality is analytical, logical and conceptual, not physical. Christians live by what makes sense because truth is the only thing, we can have faith in.
Every time a government makes a claim to what it did not create, it legitimizes its power. When the state claims forest, land, or other natural resource, it claims what it did not create. Power legitimizes power in its exercise.
The state did not create nature, the state cannot confirm its claim to physical reality. No one owns the natural world, but God. God’s claims can be validated by faith, the claims of the state are validated only by the use of force. Claiming what one did not create is an abomination in the eyes of God.
No one has the right to the things of the earth, but God. The church creates value with the things of God for the people of God as they do the Will of God. There is no basis on which to claim ownership, other than authorship. Authorship is the basis of all ownership claims and the foundation of our rights.
Subjects are a legal fiction, created by law. Being a subject of the state gives the state access to the wealth you create. Subjects are permitted to own property as a legal right, not as an inalienable right. The state possesses a legal claim on the property of subjects. The state is a liability to its subjects. The ownership exercised by the state and by subjects is based solely on the Dual Doctrine of Power, the proposition that might makes right and the end justifies the means.
No one created the natural world but God and no one has a right to claim the natural world but God. God has Dominion over the natural order and is the source of all rights and privileges. No one has any claim on anything created by God, but God. Any claim on the natural world made by the state or its agents is an offense against God.
Our rights do not extend beyond what we create. We own the value we create and nothing more. No one created the natural world but God. The state creates nothing and therefore has no rights to anything but its laws.
Dominion is the authority man has that is derived from God. Dominion is exercised by the church, which is the people of God doing the Will of God, serving as the purpose of God for the planet. The church has jurisdiction over the planet. Saints have responsibility for the political jurisdiction in which they reside.
We have a right to the value we create but no right to what was created by others. No one has the right to externalize costs onto society and future generations. We are all equal and accountable one to the other in the eyes of God. We cannot vote away the rights of others nor vote away our obligations.
Waste, war and crime, unemployment, homelessness, and public sector employment are costs created by the state. Social costs benefit the state. Social costs negatively impact political jurisdictions and those in them. The state and its legal rights are not compatible with faith.
All persons must be accountable for their own costs. Charity is not the responsibility of governments. Charity is not a legal obligation. Those whom we help are not victims. Charity is about mercy. Charity builds up the body of Christ. When we are charitable, we respond as citizens to the needs within our political jurisdiction. Charity is doing unto others as we would have them do unto us.
Truth flows from the wisdom given by God to all saints, written in our hearts and manifested for all to see, in faith but expressed in written form in Scripture and taught in the church; the KJV Bible being the authority in all spiritual matters.
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The Age of Liberalism is the age in which man strives to be free of the regulatory apparatus created by God. God was usurped by the state and its regulatory power. Satan devised the doctrine of social justice to give power to the state. Social justice germinated in The Garden of Eden and is enshrined in our legal rights, as given by the state. Eve became the world’s first feminist and the first victim turned social justice warrior. Adam was the worlds first liberal when he abdicated his leadership role as first born, to feminist Eve.
God told Adam and Eve that on the day they ate of the fruit of the Tree they would surely die. Death is a loss of identity, illustrated by the ejection of Adam and Eve from The Garden of Eden. Death is the loss of citizenship in His Kingdom. When we cease to be members of God’s Kingdom, we are spiritually dead.
Adam and Eve viewed themselves as victims. They did not take responsibility for their decisions. They hid, modeling the fear of a victim. But their cover was symbolically useless. Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden. They were given clothes created by the killing of animals to show the blood of their sin was on them.
Israel wanted a king as the pagans had. They wanted to make their own state. They wanted to exercise power. The power of the state is exercised as law. The law gives the state power over the property that belongs to God. Law puts the state in the throne of God.
Liberalism reaches maturity in statism and enters old age in the gerontology of Globalism and Crony capitalism. The culmination and final fruition of liberalism is the dotage of a senile and mentally incapacitated, One World Government, that owns and controls everything.
Nimrod gave birth to the State when he founded Babylon. Babylon developed the institutions in use today. Fiat currency, double entry bookkeeping, the state, law, judicial courts and debt were all developed in or around Babylon. These are the tools still in use by the state today.
The Age Of Liberalism is marked by:
We have faith or we have nothing. Without belief we are consumed by doubt, and fear eventually destroys us. We ask, what truth can we believe in.
We have a right to faith we have a right to believe. No one can dispute this.
We have a right to what our faith produces. We have no valid claim on the products and services produced by others, in faith. We are accountable for the costs we create. No one is obliged to pay our costs. We are not entitled to what the faith of others produces. We own what we create and have no legitimate claim on anything created by others.
Unemployment, pollution, taxation, marginalization, debt and so on, are social costs. Social costs are costs externalized onto society and future generations when there is a lack of faith. When faith turns to fear human beings become a means to an end and the end is the alleviation of fear.
Equality is defined by faith. By faith we own what we author. We are not obligated by costs created by others.
I have no right to impose my costs onto you and you have no right to expect me to pay costs you created. Pay the costs you create, is the Categorical Imperative of faith. Only those who fear seek to deceive others.
The claim that might makes right and the end justifies the means is a fear-based teaching. No one has the right to impose their costs onto others. No one has the authority to usurp ownership rights. No one has the moral authority to impose social costs onto future generations or the rest of us.
The Age Of Faith is defined by:
Apriorian promotes sovereign rights of all persons to what they create in opposition to socialism and liberalism. Apriorian provides solutions to social problems based on the sovereign rights of all persons. Civilization is people doing as they ought. Apriorian rejects state-based solutions. Unemployment, pollution, debt, inflation, taxation, and poverty are social costs or the cost of the state trying to end social problems. Social costs are imposed on subjects to subsidize the states agenda. Social costs represent unjust transfers of wealth to the public sector.
Civil society does not require banks, bank loans, business grants or governments. The doctrine of Dominion gives authority to the church, not the state. Power does not belong to the state. We were were given authority over the world not over the people of God. Ownership based on authorship. We cannot own what we did not author or purchase.
Human rights come down to the rights of the citizen contrasted with the rights of subjects of a state.
Without property rights citizens have no rights. Property rights are only possible if we have a right to what we create and no right to what anyone else created. Without rights to our property our rights, including the Right to Life, are ephemeral or conditional. The state does not have the capacity to give us human rights as it does not acquire rights over what belongs to God. State power extends only to our legal identity. The state puts us as subject in the category of slave. Subjects have obligations to their owner. Citizens have a duty to their Creator.
Human rights pertain to citizens, not subjects. Subjects have legal rights as a benefit of the state.
Rights provided by the state are not human rights, they fall under the category of legal rights. There is a clear distinction between human rights and legal rights as explained in the book of the same name on kindle.
Human Rights Versus Legal Rights. (2017) Robert Burk Rational Exchange Publishing.
Our lands are the product of our hands and minds. We who created these places have the rights of owners. A political jurisdiction is not composed of natural resources. Political jurisdictions are analytical constructs owned by those who created the political jurisdiction. Those who create a country own that place as an extension of their property rights. To deprive them of this right or to seek to deprive them of this right is a Crime Against Humanity.
It is categorically impossible for states to respect property rights. The implicit right to infringe upon property rights is built into the structure of the powers of taxation. Without the implicit right to infringe on property rights democracy does not work.
Reality is dualistic. It must be. There is a reality that is relativistic with many different ideas as to what it looks like. But this claim contains a dilemma, never confronted. If only one reality exists and it contains all possible ideas about reality, there is no objective, or true reality. In this view of reality, all viewpoints are equally valid.
Apriorian predicts there is a true reality and there is another reality that is composed of all possible false ideas about reality. We call this view of reality the liberal reality. The liberal conception of reality relies on an absurd proposition, all ideas and conceptions about reality are false and none are true. All truth claims are mere approximations of the truth. But the truth does not exist or cannot be known. This is a contradiction. We cannot define all realities as contingent and relative unless there is a truth against which they are compared and found wanting. Contradictions cannot be true.
Apriorian reality has two manifestations. The one conception of reality is the relativism of liberalism. The other reality is the truth espoused in Scripture. Each reality is a mirror image of the other. Each viewpoint rejects the truths and propositions held by the opposition. The two realities are exclusive and the adherents of each assume the other group’s propositions are invalid.
Some people think conservatism is about tradition, but conservatives do not value tradition for traditions sake. Conservatives simply do not value progress and innovation for their own sake. We do not think our wants override our obligations to God. But conservatives have for too long shied away from radicalism.
The first question to ask is, ‘Who is going to pay for it’? This tells us who has jurisdiction. If a family is to be cared for, we must ask ourselves under whose jurisdiction is the family. Who pays the family’s costs?
All assets belong to the jurisdiction in which created and the one who has authority over the assets of the jurisdiction, is responsible for the costs of that jurisdiction. This is the application of the Theory of Dominion to the issue of responsibility.
Liberals tend to look at responsibility as a public duty. Liberals accept freeloading because they see costs as a community problem. For an Apriorian Radical, ownership is personal as is duty and costs are always the product of an individual decision.
Freeloading always infringes people’s property rights. Freeloading produces subjects, not citizens. Subjects are dependents of the state. Citizens are sovereign.
Citizens have agency whereas subjects are answerable to a state. The state is justified by the dual proposition, Might Makes Right and The End Justifies The Means.
Liberal rights are legal rights regulated by the state. The Apriorian Church believes rights are derived from God and inviolable. We have an inalienable right to what we create. Authorship defines ownership. We own what we create, and no one has a claim on anything created by the other.