Messianic Solutions is an organization promoting answers to social problems using the teachings of Scripture.
The Messianic Exchange not for profit business model is formed by citizens exercising the rights of citizens in accordance with Scripture.
Exchanges promote citizenship and the rights of the citizen over claims by aliens. The social costs of liberalism e.g., debt, unemployment, and taxation favor the alien over the rights of citizens.
Economics is about infinite needs chasing limited assets. Exchanges are a way to do business that reflects the Mind of God to create the reality that best reflects the Will of God.
Politics has historically, been more about the marketing of power than it has been about serving the needs of Gods people.
The church abandoned the reality that reflects the Will of God in search of a king. Declining membership and influence is the result.
Utilitarianism is a philosophy based on the idea that happiness is a First Order Principle. Citizenship has greater utility.
The Five Fundamentals
All Truth Is One
The Four Pillars Of Truth
and other titles
Messianic Realism is the world's first verifiable philosophy uniting science with faith in a political theory based on a moral philosophy.
Most governments look to make themselves necessary. A process that disempowers the people and produces inequality.
Democracy has always been the light at the end of the tunnel, the hope held out to the world. Strive for democracy and all will be well. Were it that simple!
Taxation is not just a transfer of wealth from the private to the public sector, it is a transfer of power that could not happen if inequality had not already existed.