Information about the Messianic Business Model
General Information on Messianic Exchanges
Point by point set up of an Exchange.
More information on setting up an Exchange.
Most people will tell you that taxation is a necessary evil. Taxation is evil but not necessary. In fact, if taxation was unavoidable it would be erroneous to consider it evil.
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Exchanges are composed of between 3 and 15 persons. An Exchange is an economic unit or small group of persons. Any product or service provided by the public sector can be provided using an Exchange. Public goods such as policing and health care and education can be produced with the same facility as conventional goods and services.
Exchanges can preferentially be registered as a charitable not-for-profit corporation. It may facilitate operations, for the time-being to legitimize the enterprise in the eyes of the state.
Every member of the Exchange owns one voting share. Common Shares allow the member to vote in elections and on policy initiatives and also to a share of the assets of the organization were it sold. However, Exchanges are never sold or liquidated. Exchanges can be transformed in terms of their economic purpose, but Exchanges never become non-viable.
Exchanges also issue Preferred Shares as a form of voucher-based currency. Preferred Shares represent the equity of the corporation and are issued based on the accumulated assets of the organization.
Exchanges are as varied as the goods and services people need.
An Exchange has an average of 12 persons though the actual number is not important and will vary as needs dictate. So long as the numbers correspond to what is considered adequate to perform a function the number is sufficient to form an Exchange. The numbers are relevant only to the ability of the group to work effectively together.
God is a God of science and precision and numbers and orders of magnitude. God makes sense in measurable and quantifiable ways. Gods belief system is not subjective or opinionated or without foundation. God created His world first and so He grabbed the moral high ground and the most defensible position. The devil may have mounted an offensive, but he occupies the muck and the mire and the shaky ground. Logic and science are both in God’s service.
Caring for the planet is a measurable activity. As we add value to the planet, we can measure this value. Capitalists may show they are making a profit when in fact liabilities are being externalized. Double entry bookkeeping permits the formation and externalization of liabilities and often encourages it. Perhaps a lawsuit waits in the wings or an employee has made a choice that will bring the company down. The accounting of a business is never very accurate in terms of its real costs, when Double Entry Bookkeeping is used. No company measures the pollution they create or add this cost to their price of their products. But these are real costs.
Exchanges as a small group program generates its own money. Exchanges do not require the assistance of either banks or bureaucrats.
Capitalization is achieved through Self Funding or transfers of assets. Members sell their assets to the Exchange for preferred shares; they receive equity in exchange for their assets. Equity is a financial vehicle used to express value. A piece of equipment sold for $500.00 is an asset worth $500.00 and therefore represents $500.00 worth of equity.
Equity is represented by preferred shares. An Exchange that receives an asset valued at $500.00 is able to issue 500 preferred shares valued at $1.00 each to the member who provided the asset. Preferred shares have economic value and can be exchanged for goods and services. Preferred shares represent a fully backed currency issued by the Exchange and used as a unit of value in all economic transactions.
Christians are required to divest themselves of personal wealth and yet they are required to be doers of good works, including the care of their families. The only way these parameters can be satisfied is through the formation of an Exchange. As was said personal property required for the care of oneself and family is not the issue here. What is on the table is capital or commercial assets. All surplus goods need to be given to the church. What we have has to be committed to the nation of God. Our personal goods are those things that enable us to work for God. They make our foundation strong. What is not needed by us for our walk with the Lord is needed by others to help them in their walk. All this must be donated to the church.
Exchanges are organizations given a specific mission to build the church. The church is all the wealth and glory not given over to Babylon. The church is everything that we have not put into the hands of Satan and his minions.
By assuming ownership of our assets and reimbursing us with a currency created by the church we have sold all we have. This currency is used for the purchase of goods and services. It can be freely given away because it will always serve to build the church. There is no way to divert this into the economy of Satan i.e. Babylon.
Each person who donates goods or services or cash is given a corresponding number of preferred shares equal in value to the value of the donation in units of the national currency. One preferred share being equal to one unit of the national currency.
A core need is identified. Donations are made consistent with servicing that need. This is called the capitalization phase.
An executive is appointed to administrate the market. He or she appoints members to handle the set up and operation of the market. All goods and services are paid for in preferred share units unless other arrangements are made.
All costs are paid for as much as possible using preferred share units. (Prefers).
Payments are made in prefers on a 1 to 1 ratio with the national currency. Thus, if something would normally cost $10.00 it is valued at 10 prefers or 10 preferred shares.
In setting up an Exchange look to where the most value can be added, that is where the need is greatest. Perhaps the community has a large surplus of tools and equipment and a need for tools and equipment that is not being met. This serves as the basis of a tool rental facility or a used tools and equipment store or, set up a workshop that can be leased or rented by members.
If there is a need for an art gallery to display the work of a group of artists an art gallery could be set up.
If the price of beef is a problem a Beef Exchange could be formed with members providing the money to purchase a side of beef and then selling this to members in a silent or Dutch Auction.
Members could set up a babysitting business with some members providing the service for other members and the users of the service contracting to provide housekeeping or other services to benefit the babysitters. The point is to create jobs not simply to create work.
Plumbers and other trades people could create an Exchange which served as a central office from which jobs could be assigned and paperwork maintained. Each member would be paid in prefers fully or partially and these spent in the community with participating retailers.
What is set up is less important than the community identifying a need and supplying that need with what the community already has.
As much as is possible the need for cash is reduced. If a food store could be encouraged to accept prefers and local farmers are willing to sell produce to this store for prefers then an economy based on prefers could easily be set up. As other local stores and service providers joined the market the need for national units of currency would decline.
Members always seek to replace businesses that need dollars with businesses that will take prefers.
Products and services that can only be purchased with units of the national currency are systematically replaced with products and services that are obtained using prefers.
All volunteers are paid in prefers. The more prefers in circulation the larger the Exchange economy.
Even the volunteers as a hospital could over time be paid a prefers wage.
Housekeepers could be given an income using prefers.
Students could be paid in prefers for getting good grades, and passing their exams, this would eliminate the need to pay extraordinary premiums to those who need to stay in school for long periods to get a higher education.
It is a principle of the Exchange economy that all work that adds value to the Exchange economy ought to be paid for.