Messianic science unites the right around the reality of the Mind of God.
The liberal era stretches back 6000 years. It has been a period of wars, crime and waste. Liberalism was birthed in Babylon and is the source of all freeloading.
Truth needs a quantified method of verification. Utility defines truth. Truth is a measure of a things utility. God is infinite because He is infinite in His total and absolute utility.
Messianic Realism is an applied moral philosophy that combines religion, science and philosophy into a single theory.
The right fights a Three Front War against the forces of evil as manifested in politics, theology and economics.
The fundamental propositions on which the philosophy of Messianic Realism is based.
Messianic Realism is a moral technology and philosophy with a mission to understand the Mind of God and disseminate its findings as a counter to the inroads of liberalism. The claims and arguments of Messianic Realists are contained in moral dictums and propositions derived from the analytical technologies developed by our research. Truth and reality are logical not physical. Coherency, not consistency, defines the nature of truth.
The failure to understand truth and the nature of reality leads to technologies that do not work. Reality is ontologically and epistemologically moral. To deny the moral foundation of reality is to put ourselves on the wrong path. The result is a flaccid church, in which tolerance for amorality is the norm. We may console ourselves with our inability to see into the heart of man and the idea that Jesus will judge the living and the dead but the Bible makes us accountable to others and for others. Our works are recorded in the Book of Life. Christians think the challenge to their faith is other Christians, or atheists. So, long as we are better than the norm we are saved. The problem for Christians is logic. Logic is consistent with morality but not with ethics.
But why ought Jesus to bother with maintaining accounts if salvation is determined by adherence to ethical laws? How is moral sufficiency a viable idea from a moral perspective? Think about it. If we are moral beings required to live a moral life, how can there be a point at which we have earned merit sufficient for salvation unless we have been made perfect in some way?
One can be forgiven for supposing that the claim, faith saves and that one is saved by faith alone, means works are immaterial. This idea of salvation confuses God with liberals. Tolerance is not an attribute of God. God is not impressed by claims of fidelity.
Salvation is decided by God and technically what a person calls himself is of little importance to ones true identity, but the ability of anyone to call themselves a Christian permits Satan to vilify the church, by association. The presence of pedophile homosexuals in the priesthood is of grave concern. People who have no interest in the Word of God, other than as a tool to advance their abhorrent practice, proceed through seminary with no other intent than to gain access to children. They do this regardless of the condemnations of Scripture and the vows of Celibacy they take.
There is justification for the claim, once saved always saved but this does not address the issue as to at what point is one saved? If we are not saved by works what is a protestation of faith and baptism but works? If we are not saved by works what is faith but the things, we do that proves a focused desire to please God?
Morality is doing what is right because one intends to. Faith in God gives works direction. There is no real distinction between works and faith. Morality is the consolidation of works with faith. Messianic Real is the application of moral truth to social problems in a systematic way guided by or validated by results that have a quantifiable component.
Rev. 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Liberalism has been the dominant influence since Eden. Mankind has sought freedom for 6000 years. Freedom is a way of saying mistrust. We want freedom from those whom we do not trust.
Divisions prevent us from working together in faith. We must work together to achieve anything. We are not silos and we are not interchangeable modules. We are each unique.
Hierarchies, economic inequality, power disparities and social divisions are all ways to deal with those whom we do not trust. But fear is not a normal emotion. Those who we fear we mistrust. Those who we mistrust we will fear.
Messianics has the policies and programs that enable we the people to exercise the rights of owners. We need to do this to overcome our fear and mistrust and the division that only serves to weaken society.
When other people represent risk to you there is fear and a desire to divide yourself from them. The elimination of social division requires a strong position on the rights of ownership. If our resources and our wealth is threatened there will be division. Messianic Real believes all persons have an inalienable right to what they create. If you support property rights, human rights and the right of all persons to what they create support Messianic Real. Lets work together to end social injustice and division.
We live in the era of liberalism. This period is marked by the lies of the left. We have by these lies been scattered like sheep gone astray.
The liberal era is marked by a loss of faith. We no longer trust one another. We live in fear of one another. We fear the works that are done in lies. Hate makes us solitary and puts us into silos in which we each become our own god. We cannot each be gods in our own domain and still maintain society. Our individual wants cannot be made into individual rights. We share too much and are too interdependent. We need each other as social creatures. The competing claims of sovereign individuals has resulted in unheard of levels of regulation. The law cannot make us love one another. What happened that MAGA hats are symbols of hate, the fetus is not considered part of the human race and free speech has been abandoned because it may offend someone. No longer is there forgiveness.
Governments cannot create society. The state exists simply to give voice to the people. Governments need to be held accountable for their actions; in the same way we all are. Governments must be held accountable when they become a source of division.
We have a right to hire and fire political representatives who fail to satisfy the demands of citizen shareholders.
Truth requires a quantified method of verification. Truth is merited. Merit defines truth. Truth is a measure of a things merit or value. God is infinite because He is infinite in His total and absolute Merit.
Messianic Realism is about doing and rewarding that which has value.
Messianic Real philosophy is utilitarian in that we subscribe to the idea that the most useful thing we can do is to create value for community. Community is created by the creation of value for the people of God. This is tantamount to creating the church.
Eliminating the state adds value to the planet and builds the church.
Utility only applies to what can be verified. The simplest and most direct response to a problem is the one with the highest utility.
Personal ownership is the simplest and most direct form of ownership. There is no alternative to the claim that we own what we personally possess. The validity of a claim is not just based on an empirical experiment or quantified verifiability; validity exists when there is no other alternative thesis.
Personal ownership applies not only to personal property in the ordinary sense, we own what we create. Our creations include our local jurisdictions, our nations and also the world as a collection of civilizations. Civilizations and political jurisdictions are things created by our hands and minds.
Ownership of the world’s natural resources is one step removed from the Creator and is based on the principle of Dominion; the biblical statement that the people of God exist to care for the Creation of God.
We the people betrayed this purpose for which we were created. This betrayal began in Eden and has never been rectified.
Our ownership, that is the possession of the planet by the people of God, comes directly from God, not indirectly through government.
Indirect ownership is a legal right to property given to a subject by the state. The scientific model always favors the simpler explanation. Indirect ownership necessitates a superfluous agent, the state. Messianic Real rejects the legal rights ownership model.
Messianic Real verify claims through the use of logic, reason and verifiable data. Messianic Real uses objective and verifiable criteria to determine the value of an action and the value of a choice.
Quantified verification opposes the emotionalism of fasism.
Messianic Real is the world’s first quantifiable philosophy, i.e. a philosophy that is verified through the scientific method. As we seek the truth and do what is provable we build the church.
Messianic Realism is a philosophy that combines religion, science and philosophy within a political package. A central plank of Messianic Realism is the recognition of a need for scientific verification.
Truth claims are to be verified and verifiable. If a truth is true or an action moral the truth or action must be verified in a quantifiable or substantiated way.
Political parties that advocate for social change, need to advocate for change that can be measured in an objective, measurable fashion.
Under liberalism wants are sufficient to trigger a political response. If enough people want something this legitimizes the proposed reform. This is Happiness Utilitarianism in action. This version of Utilitarianism supports democracy. If the majority want it then the want is legitimate. Yet, we know, truth is not a popularity sport. If the solution to 2+2 cannot be determined by the popular vote, how can political policy be determined by what the majority of voters want? Democracy is organized mob rule. The vote of the majority is given legitimacy by the weight of numbers.
If 5% of the people voted and all voted for the same person, by the rules of democracy that person is elected. By law everyone must support the decisions made by the elected leader.
The popular vote cannot lead to just law or rational decision making because justice and rationality is not related to popularity.
If we abandoned the cult of the individual and the doctrine of the divine right of rulers, to rule what is the alternative? If we are not to be ruled by wants and majorities the only alternative is the market. The market might initially be viewed as the will of the individual expressing itself though his or her spending choices, but the reality is more complex than that.
The market is the will of the people given a numerical value.
The price of x is not simply what P1 says it is, it is the costs Pn impose. The price the seller wants is not just an expression of his or her willingness to sell but a reflection of the costs the good or service imposes on the community. The price of an asset is its utility value, its value within the market.
A porno tape may represent only a $10.00 cost to the seller but to the community there are additional costs. Social costs, when factored in, may drive the price up to $50.00. The point being that in a market all costs have to be factored in not just the direct costs of the seller, this is where the free market falls short. True costs are not factored into the final selling price and therefore costs are often externalized onto society and future generations.
Policies that seek to make things better for poor children may do so along one dimension. But what is the total market cost, the cost the reform imposes on the community? When we know this we know the utility value of a reform.
Even in a developed country giving poor children meals because they are not being looked after at home does not solve the underlying problem. Free services teach kids irresponsibility and a learned reliance on the state. The utility value is lower than what is suggested by the monetary costs.
Many will admit that the state sponsored solution is not always the best approach, but they will add that something needs to be done, “We cannot let school children go hungry.”
There needs to be a greater reliance on the market when dealing with the issue of real costs. For the state or other government agency to see a need and simply respond to the need itself and not to the needs of the community as a whole, is not the action of a responsible person. We need to understand the cost of our policy. We need to respond in a way that is verifiably the right way because it produces the most value for the lowest cost.
To understand how this process works, imagine an island called Messiah Island. Messiah Island is a single, isolated market. All of its costs are contained within the island’s economy. There are no avenues for externalization. Residents are citizen-owners of the island. There are none to contest this right. One citizen notices a parent is not looking after their child. The market registers all of the parent’s expenses and earnings. Purchases are made at the stores on the island and the parent works in a local business. As with all citizens the parent is a member of a local cell or Exchange. It meets to discuss issues and in this meeting the issue of children not cared for is brought up.
The local cell has adopted a standard of childcare with verifiable indices, such as scholarly achievements, cleanliness and other points for which the parent has accepted responsibility for. In other words, the parent is held accountable for the policies he or she has signed on to.
The child is a member of the community and an asset of the community. The child represents capital investment. The parent is the one who has accepted responsibility for this asset and so the parent is held accountable for the way the child is brought up and cared for.
If for some reason the child has to be cared for by the community the bill belongs to the parent. If the issue is not parental lack of responsibility, the community steps in with direct acts of charity. These are the options available to the community, according to how the community views the situation. Being the neighbors and friends of the family, they are the ones best able to make these kinds of decisions.
If a parent is buying too much alcohol, the community is able to restrict his or her purchases. This is neighbor caring for neighbor and taking responsibility for the members of his or her community. It is not the states heavy hand imposing a bureaucratic solution. The people make up their own remedies customized to the situation.
The citizen is the responsibility of the community in which he or she resides. If he will not work this is a problem for the community to solve. The market has the power because the market represents all that is consumed and all that is produced, and the market is centered on the local community.
The verification principle is expressed by the value produced. The market produces (mp) mp=$x:t1, that is a given dollar amount, per a given unit of time (t1). If the actions of Pn (persons of a specific number) lower the value of mp = $x:t1 then this verifies that the actions of Pn are in error and need to be discussed and responded to.
If a proposal produces a higher mp value then the proposal is a good one and can be invested in, in proportion to the projected increase.
Christians are engaged in a Three Front War. Our fight is against fascists especially when costs are externalized onto society and future generations by interventions of the state. The battle needs to be fought with diplomacy, conviction and perseverance, but also with logic, reason and the methods of science.
Diplomacy is needed because the rantings of the radical fringe and the bombast of politicians is not enough to achieve the ends we seek.
The war for souls however, is not to be ignored either. It is not an easy fight and not taken seriously enough. As Christians we are saved but our salvation is not the purpose of Christ’s sacrifice. We are saved because he loves us, but we have to think of this love as general not as specific to us. If we believe Jesus is satisfied because he saved you, then you do not understand the nature of the church nor the nature of love. We need to build the church and this necessitates preparing the ground by dismantling the state.
The point of Jesus coming to earth and enduring the cross on Calvary was not so one man might be saved. His love for us must be transferred to others in and through and by the church. The love of Jesus is dynamic and has to be shared. This is the heart of the church.
The economic war is the most difficult to understand. Most people see capitalism as a source of conservative values. Capitalists may be opposed to socialism, but capitalism is a liberal conception. It appeals to the fleshy desires of man and carries a message incompatible with that of Christ.
Until we can appreciate capitalism and especially what is referred to as corporatism, we will not fully understand the nature of the fight we are in.
The economic war is in some ways the most important. Despite some lack of clarity, it lays at the center of the conflict. Economics, despite pie charts and graphs, is not a scientific discipline in its present form. It lacks no clear means by which predictions can be made and results quantified and verified.
Liberals are advocates for freedom, but the state cannot give us freedom. The state has no freedom to give. Liberalism is founded on a happiness Utilitarianism. Wants are given value and satisfying peoples wants is what motivates the state.
But the state has no money other than what it takes from others. If two people want to go to the movies and there is only money for one the government can only give the second person, the ability to go to the movies by taking the first person’s ticket and giving it to the second person. So, one want is played off against other wants. Happiness as provided by governments is a zero-sum game.
We have a right to retain what we have created.
The state can either take someone’s money and give it to someone else or fail to serve any purpose. The more they engage in the transfer of wealth the more liberal the state.
People have a right to the resources on which they depend and the assets they create. Science cannot prove otherwise. We must reject legal rights that give the state the power to expropriate our assets. Power must always stay in the hands of the people. This means the assets we create must remain with the one who created them, unless they are voluntarily transferred.
Humans are owners of their political jurisdictions. We have rights but the rights we have are the rights of all persons. We have no entitlements and thus no claim to anything owned by others. Our authority comes from God and no man can rule over us legitimately.
Our rights stem from the fact that we have no special rights. Our very lack of special rights means we have the same rights as all. No one has a right not to be workers. We have no right to be supported or taken care of by the labor of others.
We have no special rights or special status but this also means no one has a special status or claim on us because to just claim we are obligated to pay the costs of others is to give us a status not possessed by others. Under Christ, we are persons of no special distinction or merit. However, we will not lose our status as non-descript servants of the Most High by being servants of the entitled.
Freeloaders are people of special rights and privileges. The sources of these entitlements are many and diverse. Some freeloaders are entitled because they are born into wealth or title, some are entitled because of special talents or skills, some are entitled because of birth, or nationality, or race or religion or sexual orientation, or perhaps they are entitled because of economic status. Regardless the Entitled Class believes that through some trick of fate they have been gifted with a special dispensation, a special claim to the world’s resources or a special claim to what is produced by others. That is the common property owner who lays no claim on any other man. For this reason, we abjure all such claims on us. Our property rights are not qualified by the claims of others.
Most people think they are intelligent. Most people think they win their debates. It’s almost impossible to change people’s minds, so, most people think people who disagree with them are dumb. People do not disagree with others because of a lack of intelligence. The problem is integrity. Very few people have the integrity needed to accept the truth. Without integrity science cannot exist.
Without integrity one has no wisdom because without integrity one is willing to live a lie and to compromise with the truth to avoid facing an unpleasant truth. With integrity one has to find the truth no matter where it is found. It is not that people are stupid, it is that they lack integrity.
There are four pillars of progress. Progress is the way we measure how much value we are producing. These four pillars are secondary principles or necessary preconditions of the 1st principle. To ensure science backs our decisions we have to have integrity in these four areas: ownership, markets, organization and funding. The progress is only realized through the adoption of these four pillars.
To have integrity we cannot create costs for others. No one has the need or obligation to pay costs we created.
No one can say another person was born or acquired an obligation towards someone else. We must be each able and willing to pay our own way in the world. But this includes not imposing costs on others to prevent them from paying their own way.
If we do not create costs for others, then we will of necessity create or be part of a positive market.
Messianic markets are markets where transferred costs are not permitted. Messianic markets are funded by the allocation of goods and services to a Messianic Exchange.
Messianic ownership creates Messianic markets that use Messianic funding and Messianic money. To set up a Messianic Exchange requires direct funding through the mechanisms of the market. Administration must be based on the Principle of Subsidiarity. Without all the pieces in place no single piece works.
Together the four pillars of progress eliminate social costs. All social costs are cost imposed on society and future generations. Social costs include such things as unemployment, poverty, unemployment, taxation, pollution, debt and inflation. Social costs are the result of mankind adopting humanist ideas.
Babylon is the source of what we call the progressive system, the system based on emotionalism. Babylon is all about servicing our fleshly desires. Messianics is about seeking the mind of God.
The Four Pillars of Progress are Messianic ownership, markets, organization and funding.