Democracy is more complicated than people are led to believe.
Democracy does not work and works less when linked with free markets.
Only the market is able to take us out of Babylon.
Discussion on the nature of a Constitutional Republic.
The key to any election is to get elected, failure at this invalidates everything else done.
All life has rights, even the unborn.
Without a right to our property no other right has validity.
The Principle of Subsidiarity requires the church separate from the state. Are you ready?
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To hear some persons all the world needs to do is to give the masses the right to vote and all our problems are solved. But bad choices are not a consequence of not having democracy and democracy is not a cure for the problem of bad decision making.
There are several forms of democracy. This is a good indication than none of them perform as well as they might. Direct democracy is subtitled, “The tyranny of the majority,” and representative democracy is often viewed as little more than the people being given the choice of dictator.
Democracy does not or has not resolved the issue of disparities in population densities. One sector may have as many voters as 10 other jurisdictions. Ought the heavily populated area be dictated to be a consortium of ten regions, ought the ten regions lose their voice because of the concentration of votes in a single area?
We are not going to address all the problems with democracy here.
What needs to be accented is that democracy is a special case of Utilitarianism. In Utilitarian thought we need to do what leads to the most utility, or happiness. In simplistic terms if the majority get their way then the most happiness will have been produced.
Deontology disagrees with this position by suggesting duty is more important than seeking happiness. We need to try and do what is right. Democracy has adjusted to this kind of thinking by developing what is known of as Representative Democracy. The majority vote in a Representative but the Representative seems him or herself as the representative of all citizens not just his or her voting base.
Deontology believes moral choices require intent whereas Unitarians are more concerned with consequences, but most moral theories will agree without intent and consequences moral actions do not exist.
These may seem like arcane arguments but a democracy that cannot produce a moral result is not likely to work as it needs to.
Creating value is a duty, as it behooves us to create value whenever we can because any other option is irrational. Creating value is also justified as a good in and of itself. So Theocratics is a synthesis of Consequentialism and Deontological ethics as well as a way to synthesize science, religion and philosophy within a political theory.
Exchanges are merit-based communities that operate consistent with the truths and methodologies of analytical science. Meritocratics is not a political party in the normal sense of the term. Meritocratics is not people seeking power and prestige and leverage so as to impose their agenda on a subject people. Meritocratics is not cronyism. Meiritocrats have no need to ingratiate themselves with the masses hoping to get elected. In fact meritocracies do not hold elections as normally conceived. Merit-driven organizations simply promote the most able to the post they are best able to fill.
In terms of Consequentialist ethics, conventional parties promise to create sufficient happiness for their supporters, that voters will enable them to fulfill their promises. However, meritocracies do seek to represent the interests of members. If this leads to the formation of a political party and electoral wins this becomes another way to promote the interests of meritocrats.
Meritocratic’s primary purpose is to offer policy and advice on how to shift from cronyism to merit-based economies. This is also equivalent to supporting those who pay their own costs against those who make fictitious claims against the property owned by others.
Meritocratics provides policy statements as a guide to what merit-based administration looks like. Meritocratic policy statements can be adopted by political parties that seek to build or support merit-based operations. If the party you work with, or support, is not based on the four pillars of merit, we suggest they are not a party reasonable persons ought to support.
Exchanges are the delivery vehicle by which merit-based policy is inserted into society. Exchanges are administratively consistent with the organizationally flat profile of a 1st century church. Exchanges are meritocracies in that they accept the jurisdictional authority of the being that has exhibited the most merit, Jesus.
Meritocratics works to eliminate social costs within and through the political and economic institutions now existing, with an eye to their eventual elimination. Exchanges privatize public service networks and transforms existing public institutions into decentralized organizations. Meritocratic officers serve an administrative function not a prescriptive one. Exchanges administrate assets they do not push a social agenda.
Liberal social policy necessitates social costs be created and this inevitably leads to division and a reliance on the public sector. Liberalism does not just waste resources, over-time they become fascist organizations. Authority without accountability is the essence of fascism. Unregulated authority no matter how well-meaning, is fascist. Authority without accountability is tyranny.
Merit-based ownership requires the devolution of power down to the people at the grassroots level. Human rights and fascism are not compatible.
Meritocracies take their legitimacy from the base. Without all power extending from the bottom the power of the people is an illusion. In a Meritocracy all power comes from the people. The power of the people rests on their ownership of all wealth.
Merit-based supervision must be administrative not prescriptive. Responsible administrations seek to eliminate social costs and permit the people to exercise their sovereignty as owners. The state is not to engineer society or implement a social agenda. This is why the best government is the least (prescriptive) government.
Meritocracy requires we be accountable for costs we create. Free market mechanisms create or favor merit-based operations. In a meritocracy the people retain all power not specifically assigned to a higher organizational level. Meritocracies produce social goods without producing social costs because power remains with the producers of wealth.
The waste of resources is a violation of our property rights. Our human rights are meaningless without economic and political power, the power that is given to us by God. One will not find cultures that enslave its people exhibit a serious commitment to human rights or to God.
The politics favored by the West is democracy. It is democracy that has often been credited with providing the most developed nations with their culture. Without some degree of democracy culture becomes a social service provided by the State as it is in dictatorships. Communist and fascists states follow this rule.
Democracy is not a simple, one size fits all concept, however. For the most part what is called democracy is technically what is otherwise called Representative Democracy. In representative democracies the people do not vote directly on legislation but for a representative and he or she who acts on their behalf. This by definition is a representative of the Patrician Class or what we have come to call Cronyism.
Representative Democracy has become popular because Direct Democracy easily decays into a tyranny of the majority, if it does not start out that way. Democracies in which everything is put to a vote separate from the free market, are also prone to endless debate.
Representative democracies generally use a proportional system of voting, there being the probability of a tyranny of the majority with the First Past The Post electoral system. One or two cities generally contain the larger part of the population and would dominate any majority vote system.
Without the representative system 2 or three larger cities would effectively control most federal elections.
Minority rights are not protected in a Direct Democracy. In Representative Democracies the elected official is supposed to represent all of his or her constituents. In reality he or she is embedded in a particular culture and mind set and tends to vote for those things that reflect his or her own personal preferences. It does not help that those who elect him or her tend to represent a particular cultural type.
Depending on the politician and his or her party he or she may or may not represent the true interests of the members of his or her constituency. The degree to which his or her votes favor one or more sectors is only to be guessed at.
There is the need not to anger or isolate one’s core support group, so legislation will tend to favor a particular constituency for the most part though effort will be made to give the appearance of voting in response to more pluralistic reasons.
What few people understand is the difference integrity makes to how well a system works. A tyrant with integrity may well serve the people better than a democratic leader with none. Justin Trudeau was democratically elected in Canada but has abandoned any pretense at representing the majority population. His concern as was his father’s, is to ensure himself a place in the globalist future he is building for Canada. Trudeau is not in the conventional sense of the term, a Canadian leader. It is more honest to label him a Globalist Patrician. He is at least as determined to get a place in history as was the elder Trudeau. This explains, at least to some, his support for Islam. Islam plays a key role in bringing forth the New World Order. Despite the certainty of some that he is a convert to Islam the greater probability is that he is aligned with Islam because Islam is aligned with the globalist agenda.
The problem is that no one can predict where integrity will be found. Democracy is less a way to ensure good government as it is a way to revoke support for a government that is governing badly. However, as our pair of Trudeaus have demonstrated, a lot of damage can be done in four years.
It is obvious there is a weakness in democracy that is being exploited by liberals. The reliance on the support of a majority keeps a party sensitive to the needs of the people but it is also a call to pander to the common denominator or average voter. This reliance on the popular vote does not require personal integrity and indeed is more likely to benefit the player, the popularizer, the superficial politician who can play up to the masses. Democracy is susceptible to fascist takeovers of an influential leader. The tyranny of the majority is still a tyranny even if the tyranny expresses the will of the people. The free world condemns dictatorship because it is said to take away people’s freedom, but this is not absolutely the case. A dictator may have the power to take away people’s freedoms, but it is not an essential component of a dictatorship. Democracies can also take away people’s freedom if a strong leader has a large proportion willing to resort to tyrannical means to support his initiatives.
But is not pandering to a majority a good thing so far as democracy is concerned? Is not expressing the will of the people, as expressed in the popular vote, what democracy is all about? Not when the government becomes nothing more than a bread and circuses exhibition. When what sort of bread and circuses the people will get become the deciding factor in an election then democracy is or becomes a farce. When elections become solely fixated on what the majority will get in the way of benefits it becomes increasingly difficult for a responsible party to be elected and more likely the least responsible and least ethical party will win.
What of a democratically elected leader who leads their nation into insolvency, as happened recently in Greece and is now playing out in Venezuela? Greece is the home of democracy, but democracy did not save it and in fact has contributed to its being taken over by a foreign power, the UN. The World Bank is not a pro-democracy institution. Its focus is on the open borders and free trade policies of the globalists. What options are open to the people to take back their power and head the country down a different road when their governments conspire to take them elsewhere?
Meritocracy is a way to express the popular will that eliminates the tyrannical aspects of representative and direct democracy. This is extremely important to get right. Governments ought not to impose their will on the people not even with the blessing of a majority of voters. Candidates in a Meritocracy are appointed on the basis of merit. Changing direct democracy into representative democracy does not eliminate the problem of cronyism. No form of government which ends up taking power from the common people will result in anything other than cronyism.
Government ought to function as an administrator of the public weal not as its moral compass. Politicians are not called on to be social engineers. Governments are the servants of the people not the boss of the people.
The real problem with communist governments was not their economics but the fact that they existed as the people' s bosses and performed as social engineers instead of public servants. But how much different are modern governments from the tyrannies of the past, so long as they continue to exercise a social engineering function?
Mankind has had many issues with liberals and liberalism. Liberalism cannot survive without generating social costs. The only way social costs can be justified is if the end justifies the means. This is the role or purpose of a social agenda, the social agenda is posited to be so important, so vital, that whatever means are required to implement that means is justified. The end, by virtue of the agenda, justifies the means. If this is ok with you then you are not paying the costs of these choices or these costs are not what are meant by social cost by virtue of the fact you support the policy and are glad to pay its costs. But does this mean that others ought to fund your vision and your values?
We have the policies and programs needed to overcome the social costs created by conventional systems of governance. Meritocratics has the tools that enable politicians and public servants to be the administrators they ought to be and recast their role of social engineer to that of skilled practitioner.
When voters are owners and politicians’ administrators, owners vote as a budgetary line item. Thus, a pro vote is a capitalization proposal. When costs are assigned to the proper account, democracy is transformed into a meritocracy mediated by a free market of buyers and sellers.
The U.N is a Globalist agency funding the Globalist agenda. It does not support responsible government. Ultimately it will produce a fascist one world state.
Christians ought not need or support social engineering whether locally or on a global scale, meritocracies do not support the top down, hierarchical organizations of the globalist hegemony. We the people are the rightful owners of our political jurisdictions. Meritocratics implement meritocratic ownership, free markets and a currency issued by Exchanges.
Messianics is a three-front war against the forces of Babylon. When we speak of this system that has dominated our history and our world it is appropriate to refer to it as Babylon. If we are serious about overcoming this world, we must attack the political, spiritual and economic elements of Babylon. The point is that the major institutional elements of this system we are in were formed in this historical and biblical city.
Babylon in more prosaic terms is a system in which a favored few exercise power. Socialists are not necessarily born with a set of entitlements or with a sense of entitlement as a genetic predisposition; socialism is a perspective they adopt at some point in their life. Socialists can be poor and even powerless but, in their minds, they see themselves as entitled. What this means is that a socialist is a person who feels cosmic justice decrees that society owes the victim some form of restitution for a wrong done.
Socialists can also be wealthy and powerful, but they still feel they are entitled to what others have to some degree. This is what makes socialists, social justice warriors. They tend to see themselves as championing the rights of a victim group, though generally this means they right the wrongs of the world using other people’s money.
The focus of Messianics is on who has the right to possess or administrate local resources. Messianic Real’s focus is on pushing policy initiatives through conventional party organizations, so long as these parties exist. Our support is towards policy proposals that provide for stronger ownership rights for locals. We tend to work from within present party structures to push policy towards a more Scriptural position. This process causes less disruption and has more impact.
The spiritual war cannot be ignored. Fascists have attacked and routed the church; believers are in disarray. The church has resigned itself to be a social club in a fallen world. The church was the first and main victim of the devil’s agenda. Messianic’s mission is to unite believers into one body under Christ. The New Testament serves as the Constitution of our theocracy. The importance of the ecclesiastical front may not be apparent, but it is crucial we align our politics with the Word of God.
Reality is basically simple. Lies complicate truth and destroy reality. Reality gives us but two options: we can do right or wrong. Reality is truth and truth reality. If we destroy what is true, we destroy reality.
There is a sharp and distinct line of demarcation between truth and falsehood. If truth is good and lies bad, then there is also a sharp and distinct line between good and evil. God and Satan are not equidistant on an infinitely long spectrum. This ideogram is meant to deceive and give evil an equal standing with God.
Mankind was introduced to lies and falsehood at the dawn of history, at the beginning of civilization. Each generation has saw fit to perpetuate these lies. Exploring truth gives us reality, making the right choices builds understanding.
Lies are always more complicated than the truth. Lies never provide simple solutions nor are the solutions effective. We want simple answers because truth can never be as difficult to communicate as lies.
All peoples in all times and places have two choices. Regardless of the situation we have two choices: we can choose right or wrong. If we do not choice the right path wrong is done by default. In every situation there is a choice we can make and there is a default setting. The default happens when we fail to make a commitment.
There is no third choice and no middle ground. We commit to doing what is right, or we become a victim of circumstance. It is one or the other.
In Christianity we have a choice to be part of the church, or not. Atheism is the default setting.
To be a member of the church requires a commitment, there is no other way to become a member.
Our choice is expressed by our fruits, our fruits grow as a result of our actions. Our works require a commitment, without a commitment we have no direction and are lost. Our actions either grow the church through building unity between believers, using the Constitution of God or they are wasted actions.
The Word of God creates a Constitution, a foundational document which takes precedence over all law and human ambition. The New Testament is a Constitutional Document of all Christian peoples. The Constitution of God is the only foundational document on which a godly nation can be erected.
The Bible is the Word of God. The church is composed of the people of God. We live in the Word of God as the people of God. Our politics is how we live out the Word of God within the church of God governed by Word of God: our living constitution.
The Word of God is God's Constitutional Document. God’s Word created the world's First Constitution. Jesus is the embodiment of the Word of God.
The New Testament is the world's First Constitution. The Old Testament Covenant created a religion not a republic.
The Bible is the Word of God. It teaches us how to live according to the Will of God. The Will of God is God's Covenant to us. Scripture provides us with our Constitutional framework. We are citizens of The Republic Of God or we are traitors and the enemies of The First Republic. There is no other state and no middle ground.
Constitutional Theocracies do not create or have social costs. Theocratic communities are organized as a Constitutional Theocracy under God and are ruled by the constitution given to us by God. Messianic Real rejects the need for socialist agendas and the state sanctioned ownership models that legitimize social costs. Messianic Real rejects all forms of socialism as inherently Satanic and ungodly.
All social costs including unemployment, debt, taxation, inflation, business cycles, pollution and waste are incompatible with a Constitutional Republic. The existence of social costs and socialist influences denote a society that is not constitutionally a true republic. Living in accordance to the First Constitution is the only way to eliminate social costs and unify the churches.
Messianic Real promotes and defends mankind’s constitutional rights, that is our constitutional right to live within the constitutional framework provided by God.
These lands, are ours, given to us by God. As patriots we are the defenders of our constitutionally granted possessions.
What too many people in Canada seem to not understand that the purpose of a leader of a political party is to get elected. Period. The leaders who is so principled that he alienates the electorate is not a political leader, he is a spiritual leader. Canada is a nation of some 35 million people. No radical will get elected or gain enough votes to control the country. What the country is in, is a political war not a religious war.
That is the religious war exists, but it is far too deep for the majority of people to see or care about. We need to win the political war and then move on to the next front.
If you want a leader who stands on principle without deviation, follow Jesus, if you want to defeat Trudeau, vote Scheer in the next election. No, it is not complicated.
Canada faces a Three Front War, conservatives need to ask themselves if they want Trudeau to be PM or not? That is the only question that needs to be asked. There is no other issues, no other concerns are relevant in this campaign. If you support Trudeau do not vote for Scheer. If you are against Trudeau, vote for Scheer, it is that simple.
To argue that we need a principled leader is not untrue but to make this the issue of this election is to miss the strategy behind fighting a Three Front War. By fighting on three fronts we can focus on winning in each sector doing what needs to be done to win the war that is specific to that campaign. Politics is not about principles it is about popularity. Elections are not won by principles but by popularity. I repeat, if you wish to stand on principles, follow Jesus because every leader is going to fail you when if comes to living a principled life. If you wish to defeat Trudeau, vote Scheer. If you are a liberal, then do not vote for Scheer. It is that simple. That is the way to win the war on The First Front.
Don't mess this up. KISS
Liberalism rejects the concept of human rights as inalienable and absolute. Liberalism sees human rights as conditional. Human rights for a liberal are more accurately termed legal rights. Legal rights are gifted by governments. This is why the fetus has no rights in the eyes of liberals. Believers must view the fetus as a person with rights and a being with value unless they feel they have some unique entitlement that allows them to dispense with the rights of others. Rights begin at conception because a being holds the keys to its rights in its DNA. The fetus is the carrier of the next generation and the survival of all we have created. This gives it equal value to all of us.
Rights come with value. Human rights exist because humans have value, our DNA has value. Our capacity to please God has value. We have a right to property because property has value to us and property gives us the opportunity to create value, and this is a source of value. We have utility in the eyes of God.
Legal rights are products of a liberal state. Legal rights ferment social division and social injustice. The worlds political and economic systems are based on legal rights and are corrosive of the social order. Anything that produces social division creates injustice. Injustice offends our human rights. Injustice destroys peace, prosperity and progress. Injustice destroys the rights of man.
The planet belongs to the people, not governments, agents or experts. We the people have rights based on our status as owners of our lands. We are not visitors or guests but persons with inalienable rights given to us by God.
All persons everywhere are entitled to rights based on their status as owners and caretakers of the lands they inhabit. All persons are able to create value and participate in the administration of the planet’s resources. This capacity inherent in all persons gives us our private property rights. We own what we create. All impositions and limitations on property are an infringement of our human rights to what we create. All claims made by the state as to its right to administrate, legislate, regulate or allocate property infringes upon the human rights of all. We the people have the right and duty to organize and administrate the property that falls under our jurisdiction. We the people have full authority to privatize and administrate the justice function. These rights form the foundation of our political jurisdictions under the direct ownership of the people. We have a right to exercise our rights as a church.
Our human rights cannot be rescinded, abridged or diminished. Our property rights are a human right applicable to all persons in all places, administrated and validated by all persons everywhere and not modified or abridged by any state. Human rights are equally valid and applicable to all persons in all times and all places.
We are not visitors to this place, we are not migrants, we are not guests nor pilgrims, we are owners of these places we call home. These are our lands. We built these places, we have made ourselves accountable for its condition, we are stewards of this land and the lords of our domain. We resent all intrusions and uninvited persons. This is our home. It is where we live, work, play and worship, raise our families and ensure our future. We will not be moved, quelled, intimidated or relocated or silenced nor shamed into silence.
Our property is ours. We are not parasites. We work to own what is ours. We live by right of possession as creators of what we have. We care for what is ours. We claim that on which we stand. We will not be moved.
No state has the power or authority to remove from us which is ours by right of possession. No state has the intrinsic authority to take from us our human right to what we produce. What we create we own by the power and authority of a God no state or other agency can over rule. We the people stand firm, as the church, the supreme authority over our lands given to us by God.
We the people are not ashamed of our rights. We stand firm on our human rights based on the authority given to us by God to lands given to us by God, according to the power of the authority of God as exercised in and through the church. Our rights to our place are inalienable, they cannot be revoked, rescinded or removed. No person or group of people has the power, nor legitimacy nor justification to remove from us our human rights to what we created or were given. All claims but that of the creator are invalid. If you did not create it, you do not own it and you have no rights regarding it. Stay off. Stay away. We throw down the gauntlet. Parasites of all stripes and types beware; you came, you fed, you sucked the blood of patriots dry but we rise again with faith and vengeance and we will cut you off. We are no longer your cattle or your sheep nor a passive source of sustenance.
We the people throw down the gauntlet, stand with us or stand against the right of the church to live as God intended. Oppose us and you oppose the rights of all peoples in all places tin all times to own what they produced. Unite with us or fight against us. Build the church or create division. Without human rights there is no justice and no church and no peace. Without justice there is no reason to live. Leave us now in peace to build our church as a people united under God.
Liberalism and its social agenda is inherently divisive. It takes from people what they create. All peoples have a right to the lands they possess, and to the things wrought by their hands. Our homeland is a human right. We the people of God must unite for God and faith, justice and our rights, we need to separate from the state and its social costs or it will destroy our nations and our faith. The church must reject the parasitic liberalism that is ruining our all we have created. Light cannot reconcile with darkness nor can lies be made consistent with the truth. Liberalism is incompatible with a society of faith under God.
Liberals have no power or authority to remove from us these lands we stand on. Our land is ours by right of ownership. Justice demands it. What we create we own by the power and authority of a God no person, agent or authority can over rule. We the people stand firm, the supreme authority over our lands given to us by God. We are the owners and the protectors of our lands. No one can dislodge or displace us. We are patriots, and this is our place.